5 Countries With The Most Twin Babies

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From times past to recent research, twin continues to attract people, and these births are more common in some countries of the world than in others.

A new global research study has revealed data collected from 76 developing nations and found that twin birth rates vary significantly by area. Benin is in the lead of Central Africa, which is notable for having unusually high twinning rates.

Here are five countries where twin births are especially common:


Benin has 27.9 twin births for every 1,000 live births, which is the highest rate of natural twinning in the world. Genetics is mostly to blame for this high percentage, especially among women from specific ethnic groupings in the nation. Benin has a higher rate of twin births than the majority of other nations, which makes it an important area to research the causes of twin predominance.

Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)

Ivory Coast has a twinning rate of 24.9 twins per 1,000 births, which is not far behind. Similar to Benin, it is thought that hereditary factors play a major role in this West African country’s high twin birth rate. A higher chance of having twins, especially fraternal twins, is a result of shared genetic features among the Ivory Coast population.


Nigeria is famous for having a high rate of twin births, particularly in the southwest. Due to the exceptionally high rate of twin births among the Yoruba ethnic group, locations such as Igbo-Ora have earned the moniker “Twin Capital of the World.” Almost all families in this area are thought to have at least one pair of twins. The greater rate of twins is mostly due to the population’s genetic composition.

Central African Republic

One of the nations having a high rate of twinning is the Central African Republic. Less well known is the fact that the country’s genetic makeup contributes to the higher likelihood of twin births, especially among fraternal twins. Multiple births are more common here than in most other places of the world due to the genetic tendency of the population.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Twin births are also fairly common in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Multiple births are more common in the DRC due to genetic factors, just like in other African countries with high twinning rates. Twin conception is facilitated by a combination of genetic and environmental variables, particularly in rural communities with limited access to reproductive treatments.

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