Dorcas Adenigba
The Nigerian economic system today has pushed many people, especially graduates out to the streets, therefore, people are trying to find a means of survival for themselves. Many have tend to aim for the white collar job but the truth is the system cannot employ or accommodate every citizens especially the numerous corps members posted all over the states.
That is why this article is for all Corps members who wish to escape from the fangs of poverty generally caused by the battered economic system of the country.
The bitter-truth is that our success lies in our hands not in the hands of the government. We can choose to still make it despite the hardship eating deep into the Nigerian system. At the end of this article, you would have insights into various skills which you can acquire as a Corp member serving this nation.
This is to enable you learn, acquire and develop yourself as well as serving as a means of survival in this country. Year in year out, Corps members are being welcomed into the labour market by which many hopes are dashed due to the high rate of unemployment.
As a serving Corp member, the one-year service scheme is not a time to idle and having frivolous outings. It is a time to think ahead of the future and work towards what it has in stock for you. The question that I would like to ask the Corp members generally is that,”What next after NYSC”? “What happens after the monthly 33k stops coming in?” These questions and lots more should have been thought of the moment you began serving. Of course,you should be aware that once your service ends, income stops from your family, relatives and if course,the government. You are literally on your own.
This is why you need skills to master. In this modern times,there are lots of skills to learn which has both short-term and long-term duration. Out of the numerous skills,here are some skills which you can acquire as a Corp member;
1. Fashion Designing
2. Hairdressing
3. Tech(Java, phyton,UI/UX etc)
4. Graphics Design
5. Catering services
6. Barbing
7. Adire making
8. Aso-oke making
9. Shoe-making
10. Paintings
11. Interior Decorations
12.Furniture making
13. Professional classes
The skills listed above and many more are to be given ultimate attention. Some of these skills can be acquired during the one-year service. These skills can be mastered as well after the service year. Learning and mastering these skills are one of the major ways to be ahead of others in the labour market.