APC Chieftain Lands In Hospital After Accidentally Swallowing Bone With Pounded Yam

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A notable figure in the Lagos State branch of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Joe Igbokwe, has shared a distressing incident that necessitated emergency surgery after he accidentally ingested a bone concealed in his meal.

Igbokwe shared his ordeal on Facebook, recounting that it happened on the night of Monday, February 17. While eating pounded yam with okro soup, he unknowingly swallowed a bone that became stuck in his throat and caused severe discomfort.

Despite attempts to dislodge the bone by eating more food, it remained stuck, causing intense pain that lasted throughout the night.

He sought medical attention the next morning, but an initial scan didn’t reveal the bone. Although doctors prescribed medication, his pain persisted, preventing him from eating solid foods for several days.

In his account of the experience, he wrote: “On the night of February 17th, I had a meal of very soft pounded yam and okra soup. Unfortunately, with my first bite, something went wrong as it got lodged in my throat. A large bone that I hadn’t noticed when swallowing took hold in my throat. Despite trying to dislodge it by swallowing more food repeatedly, nothing worked and this led to serious trouble.”

As the pain continued, Igbokwe went back to the hospital for yet another scan. This time, it showed that the bone had shifted into his stomach, causing several internal injuries.

He wrote: “I endured the pain from Monday night until yesterday evening when I went back to the hospital for another scan, only to find that the bone had shifted down my stomach and caused multiple wounds.

“A major surgery began. They administered a sedative and I drifted off to sleep. The rest is history now; when I woke up, the excruciating pain had eased and disappeared entirely.”

Feeling grateful for the care he received, Igbokwe expressed his relief and faith by thanking the medical teams at Marigold and Conel hospitals in Surulere.

Grateful thanks to Marigold Hospital Surulere and Conel Hospital Surulere. All glory be to God, Amen. Endless Hallelujah!

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