Porn Star, Jesse Jane Found Dead With Boyfriend

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Jesse Jane, a onetime Hooters waitress and beauty pageant contestant who went on to star in the highest-budget series in pornographic film history, was found dead on Wednesday at a home in Oklahoma. She was 43.

The cause was believed to be a drug overdose, said Lt. Francisco Franco of the Moore Police Department in Moore, Okla. He said that officers responded on Wednesday morning for a welfare check at a house where Ms. Jane and her boyfriend, Brett Hasenmueller, had been staying.

They were both found dead, Lieutenant Franco said, adding that the deaths remained under investigation.

Ms. Jane, with her sweeping blond hair, high-arched eyebrows and vivacious personality, was a defining pornography star in the early 2000s as the internet transformed the industry. She then crossed over into some mainstream productions.

She starred in the highest-budget series in pornographic film history. She was also seen in some mainstream productions.

A blond actress wearing a revealing white outfit poses at an awards ceremony. She stands, with her left hand on her hip, against a wall with several logos on it.

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