Teenager Defiles 11-year-old Schoolmate In Front Of Friends

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There was outrage as a 16-year-old student openly defiled his 11-year-old female colleague at a school in the Rumukwurusi area on the outskirts of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, last Friday.

It was gathered that while the student carried out the act, his friends watched the scene.

Shortly after committing the act, the boy was said to have scaled the school fence to escape but was later held by the school authorities while the girl was taken to an undisclosed hospital for treatment.

The report sparked outrage as photos of the school girl bleeding circulated online.

Meanwhile, while speaking to a Radio Station (Nigeria Info) in Port Harcourt monitored by our correspondent, the mother of the girl called on the school authorities and the state government to ensure the perpetrator was brought to book.

The distraught woman said to be a widow, said she got a distress call from the school to come over immediately, saying when she got there, she saw her daughter bleeding profusely.

She stated, “The school should provide the boy that did that thing, and I want justice for my daughter. I’m a widow, and I don’t have anybody. It is just me and my children.

“They should provide the boy. He should not go free at all because maybe he has been doing it to other people but he will not go free this time. And I want people to help me.”

She further said her daughter lost so much blood from the incident.

She added, “I got a call from the school that I should come because it was an emergency. I had to rush to the school. When I got there, I saw my daughter bleeding seriously. The bleeding was too much.

“I had to secure my daughter first by bringing her to the hospital while the boy was still in the school custody. They said they will hold the boy for me. The doctors have not said anything yet. They are just taking care of her at the moment but the situation is still like that, no improvement and the money is expensive.”

The situation has provoked outrage in the social media with many condemning the act and calling for the arrest and prosecution of the suspect.

When contacted, the spokesperson for the state police command, Grace Iringe-Koko, confirmed the incident, saying the male student has been arrested while the investigation is ongoing.

Iringe-Koko stated, “The boy has been arrested and the matter has been transferred to the State Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Department. The outcome of our investigation would be made known subsequently.”

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